Boy Meets World is an American coming-of-age sitcom that aired on ABC for seven seasons. The series centers on Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) and his friends and family, as he progresses from childhood to adulthood. The Walt Disney Company commissioned the series for its youth-oriented TGIF programming block airing on ABC. Overarching themes include a focus on family and friendships as well as discovering one's identity.
Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) is a witty eleven-year-old middle school student who speaks his mind and has an interest in sports. Cory shares a strong bond with his parents, Amy (Betsy Randle) and Alan (William Russ), and his younger sister Morgan (Lily Nicksay) Cory's relationship with his older brother Eric (Will Friedle) becomes strained when Eric's obsession with dating girls takes precedence over the time they spend together. Cory and Topanga begin dating in the third season, while Eric is not accepted to any colleges or universities following his high school graduation.