Better Call Saul premiered on AMC on February 8, 2015, and ended on August 15, 2022, after six seasons consisting of 63 episodes. It is a spin-off of Vince Gilligan's previous series, Breaking Bad, which ran from 2008 to 2013. The series is primarily a prequel that focuses on Jimmy McGill, a former con artist aiming to gain respectability as a public defender. It chronicles his gradual transformation into his eventual Breaking Bad persona of Saul Goodman, the flamboyant criminal lawyer with ties to the drug cartel.
Better Call Saul is a spin-off of Breaking Bad, a popular crime drama television series that ran from 2008 to 2013. It is primarily a prequel that focuses on Jimmy McGill, a former con artist aiming to gain respectability as a public defender. The show chronicles his gradual transformation into his eventual Breaking Bad persona of Saul Goodman, the flamboyant criminal lawyer with ties to the drug cartel.