Amphibia is an American animated television series that aired on Disney Channel from June 17, 2019 to May 14, 2022. The series chronicles the adventures of Anne Boonchuy, an independent, fearless and brave Thai-American girl. The voices of Brenda Song, Justin Felbinger, Bill Farmer, Amanda Leighton, Anna Akana, Troy Baker, Haley Tju, and Keith David have voiced.
The series chronicles the adventures of Anne Boonchuy (Brenda Song), an independent, fearless and brave Thai-American girl. On her 13th birthday, Anne is peer-pressured into stealing a mysterious music box that magically transports her and her two best friends to the world of Amphibia. Anne is taken in by the Plantars, a family of frogs who live on a farm in the town of Wartwood. As she bonds with her newfound family, Anne gradually learns what it means to be a hero.