The series acts as a follow-up to the 2019 film, Abominable on which it was based, which was co-produced by Pearl Studio. Chloe Bennett, Tenzing Norgay Trainor, and Michelle Wong reprise their respective roles as Yi, Jin, and Mei. Ethan Loh, Darin De Paul, Alan Cumming, and Karen Huie voice Peng, Everest, Burnish, and Nai Nai, respectively, replacing Albert Tsai, Joseph Izzo, Eddie Izzard, and Tsai Chin from the original film. The series premiered on October 5, 2022, with 10 episodes on Peacock and Hulu.
Yi, Jin, Peng and Peng know that there's a whole magical world out there and discover that their surroundings are teeming with magical creatures. With the help of their old yeti friend Everest, they'll set out on a journey throughout their city and beyond.