6teen is a Canadian 2D-animated teen comedy drama television series created by Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis. It originally aired for four seasons and 93 episodes on Teletoon from November 7, 2004 until February 11, 2010. It also aired in the U.S. on Nickelodeon from December 18, 2005 to May 13, 2006 and on Cartoon Network (along with Total Drama Island and Stoked) from October 23, 2008 until June 21, 2010. A special reunion public service announcement titled "Vote, Dude!" was released on YouTube on September 12, 2018, with the original voice cast reprising their respective roles.
This show is targeted at the preadolescent and teenage demographic. The plots take place almost entirely in a megaplex mall known as the Galleria Mall. The show is rated TV-PG due to suggestive language, kissing scenes and stunt acts.