12 oz. Mouse is an adult animated television series created by Matt Maiellaro for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block, Adult Swim. The show revolves around a mouse named Mouse Fitzgerald, nicknamed "Fitz", who is fond of beer and caught in a world of espionage, love, and the delights of odd jobs. Fitz begins to recover suppressed memories that he once had a wife and a child who have now vanished. In 2018, a double-length special, entitled "Invictus", aired on October 14 and it was announced that the series was also revived as a series.
The show revolves around a mouse named Mouse Fitzgerald (voiced by Matt Maiellaro), nicknamed "Fitz", who is fond of beer and caught in a world of espionage, love, and odd jobs. Fitz suspects there is a sinister conspiracy involving fields of "asprind" pills beneath the city, and Shark (Adam Reed), Clock, and Rectangular Businessman's (Kurt Soccolich) attempt to control the nature of time and reality. Fitz begins to recover suppressed memories that he once had a wife and a child who have now vanished.