'Til Death is an American sitcom which aired on Fox from September 7, 2006, to June 20, 2010. The show centers on Eddie and Joy Stark, a couple married for 23 years, and their life, relationship and behavior after 23 years of marriage. The first two seasons often focus on the conflict between the Starks and their newlywed neighbors, Jeff and Steph Woodcock (Eddie Kaye Thomas and Kat Foster). The second season introduces a new character named Kenny Westchester (J.B. Smoove) who is Eddie's friend from the Big Brothers Organization.
'Til Death' centers on Eddie and Joy Stark, and their life, relationship and behavior after 23 years of marriage. The series takes place in suburban Philadelphia in Cheltenham Township. The first two seasons often focus on the conflict between the Starks and their neighbors, Jeff and Steph Woodcock.